Elite Leverage

Crafting Digital Experiences.

We specializes in crafting dynamic digital experiences tailored to your unique vision. From sleek designs to seamless functionality, we transform ideas into captivating online realities that engage and inspire.

Shaping Your Online World.

Welcome to Elite Leverage, where innovation intersects with design! We are a vibrant team of web designers dedicated to creating digital experiences that enchant and motivate. With a sharp focus on aesthetics and a dedication to functionality, we excel at realizing your online aspirations.

Website Design & Development

Informational Website

An informational website simply provides basic information about the company including details regarding product and services offerings, as well as contact information.

  • 3 Custom Designed Template
  • Fully Responsive
  • Mobile Ready
  • External Links
  • Email Contact Form
  • Social Media Links
  • Built on WordPress
This website consists of a
single page.
This website consists of a
(5-10 pages).
Professional +​
This website consists of a
(11-15 pages).
This website consists of a
(16-20 pages).

Website Design & Development

Informational Website

An informational website simply provides basic information about the company including details regarding product and services offerings, as well as contact information.

  • 3 Custom Designed Template
  • Fully Responsive
  • Mobile Ready
  • External Links
  • Email Contact Form
  • Social Media Links
  • Built on WordPress
This website consists of a
single page.
This website consists of a
(5-10 pages).
Professional +​
This website consists of a
(11-15 pages).
This website consists of a
(16-20 pages).

How It Works?

Proposal & Agreement

The developer and client discuss the project’s goals, scope, and budget. A proposal is created, and once agreed upon, a contract is signed outlining the terms and deliverables.

Planning & Design​

A site map and wireframes are developed to organize the website’s structure. Visual mockups are designed for the client’s review and approval, setting the look and feel of the site.


The website is built using WordPress, where themes and plugins are implemented to bring the designs to life. The site is tested to ensure it works well across devices and browsers.

Client Review & Revisions​

The client reviews the developed site, and any necessary revisions are made to align with their expectations.


Once approved, the website is launched, with the domain and hosting set up. Final checks are performed, and the site goes live. The developer may also provide training and ongoing support.

Proposal & Agreement

The developer and client discuss the project’s goals, scope, and budget. A proposal is created, and once agreed upon, a contract is signed outlining the terms and deliverables.

Planning & Design

A site map and wireframes are developed to organize the website’s structure. Visual mockups are designed for the client’s review and approval, setting the look and feel of the site.


The website is built using WordPress, where themes and plugins are implemented to bring the designs to life. The site is tested to ensure it works well across devices and browsers.

Client Review & Revisions

The client reviews the developed site, and any necessary revisions are made to align with their expectations.


Once approved, the website is launched, with the domain and hosting set up. Final checks are performed, and the site goes live. The developer may also provide training and ongoing support.

Get Started

Don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re here to listen and ready to engage with you!